Let Texans Decide, gambling expansion propagandists, have just this week popped back up like a meth addict who just heard the candyman’s car drive up. They are begging passersby to expand gambling in order to pay for the transportation spending now being considered.
And this despite the fact that gambling costs states significantly more in increased law enforcement, social services, and decreased taxable revenue due to decreased productivity than it brings in in gambling revenue.
The $3 billion of gambling money spent across the Texas border that Let Texans Decide constantly talks about would yield almost nothing in state revenues, because over 90% of this money would go to a nontaxable prize pool.
The remaining 7% or 8% that is actually taxable would yield trivial levels of revenue and would cause many expensive problems for Texas.
Expanded gambling would benefit the Texas gambling oligopoly and would hurt everyone else.
–Let Texans Decide post